Heute gibt es die MixTape-Geschichte von Karin zu hören und wir dürfen heute die MixTape-Fee begrüßen, die Karins Geschichte vorgetragen hat.
Hier findet Ihr nun den Inhalt dere dunkelgrünen Cassette:
Seite A:
San Francisco (Scott McKenzie)
Everybody Hurts (REM)
Gone the dream (Ash)
She’s so high (Blur)
Seasons in the sun
My Girl (The Mammas ans the Pappas)
The Universal (Blur)
Crimson and Clover (Tommy and the Shondells)
Stand by me (The Drifters)
Sing (Blur)
Ode to my family (The Cranberries)
Today (Smashing Pumpkins)
Seite B:
Today (Smashing Pumpkins)
The air that I breathe (The Hollies)
Lost in you (Ash)
Daydream (The Mammas and the Pappas)
1979 (Smashing Pumpkins)
Oh yeah (Ash)
House of the rising sun (The Animals)
Stumbeline (Smashing Pumpkins)
To the end (Blur)
I’d be so happy (Three dog night)
When you’re gone (The Cranberries)
End of a century (Blur)
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